Red on Red


Red body on Red head. A patented arm that causes vibrations and movement in the water to attract fish. Comes with single blade OR double-blade options. Available as 3/8ths oz lure or 1/2 oz lure size.

SKU: N/A Category:

Red body on Red head. A patented arm that causes vibrations and movement in the water to attract fish. Comes with single blade OR double-blade options. Available as 3/8ths oz lure or 1/2 oz lure size.

Additional information

Spinner Size

3/8 oz, 1/2 oz

Number of Blades

Single Blade, Double Blade

Single Blade Options

Silver Willow, Gold Willow, Silver Colorado, Gold Colorado, N/A Select This Option If You Are Using Two Blades

Double Blade Options

2 Silver Willows, 2 Gold Willows, 2 Silver Colorados, 2 Gold Colorados, 1 Silver Willow and 1 Gold Willow, 1 Silver Willow and 1 Silver Colorado, 1 Silver Willow and 1 Gold Colorado, 1 Gold Willow and 1 Silver Colorado, 1 Gold Willow and 1 Gold Colorado, 1 Silver Colorado and 1 Gold Colorado, N/A Select This Option If You Are Using One Blade